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Jeanne has a Resource "PLAYBOOK" with 600+ digital resources!

LEGACY  introduces you to some of our best offerings centered around a monthly theme.

Have you ever noticed that God didn't say in His Word, "It is not good for man to be single"? God says in Genesis that, "It is not good for man to be alone," and there's a world of difference between the two. 
These Legacy resources focus on the Beattitudes, which are in direct opposition to the attitudes of 21st Century America and where, as Christians, we should be focusing our own attitudes. 
All of time management is a trade-off. Unfortunately, for those of us in ministry, that trade-off can easily become our family. However, my personal definition of success is having "those who know me BEST love me MOST." Whether your family is your mom, your brother, your sister, a spouse, or your own biological children, you are forever trying to figure out how you can do both. 
I could have named this Legacy lots of other things, but I knew this topic would get your attention. For many leaders criticism is a weekly, if not a daily reality of life. And, like the title says, it's not for the weak. Leaders that can't learn how to navigate criticism, don't stay in leadership very long. 
What do you do when the lights go off? You know, all the times that things seem dark and there's no spiritual feelings left. You feel blah in your walk with Christ your your marriage and all the excitement you had at the start is gone. 
The long days of summer are behind and now there are 1,000 things on the calendar making a lot of demands for your time.You may not be "pooped" right now, but hang onto these Legacy Resources I've called, "Popular Plan For Pooped People," because the chances are you will be. 
What an important and really relvant topic for this month's Legacy! "Black And White In A Gray World" defines many of us and our attitudes, standards, and so much more in today's worldly culture. 
What's Mishmash mean? You know, throwing a bunch of stuff together and making what I call "gunk." That may not be a very scientific way to define it, but I think we all get it because sometimes our romantic life can become "Mishmash"...just a bunch of relationship choices and mental mind games that can get pretty messy if we don't choose to intentionally deal with it. 
In a world of people that talk about dreaming and risk taking, I'm not sure we do near enough of all the hard work and discipline it takes to make some of those dreams eventually come to life, especially In the church world. 
In a world of people that talk about dreaming and risk taking, I'm not sure we do near enough of all the hard work and discipline it takes to make some of those dreams eventually come to life, especially In the church world. 
"Cow Manure..." It's an interesting title, isn't it? Every time I share this message, people have an easy connection with it. I'm talking about how you deal with some of the junk in your life. We might know it as our "dark side" or as leaders we often refer to it as our "shadow side" of leadership. In other words, how do you deal with sin and make a comeback? None of us are perfect. I often say, "God's not interested in perfection, but direction." These resources are designed to help you get pointed in the right direction. 
With so many Christians trying to water-down the Gospel of the New Testament, it's a good time to look into the Word and remind ourselves of what Jesus has called us to. Though it doesn't sound "nice" or "socially warm" to say, "Jesus calls us to pick up our cross and follow Him. To make Him, not just a piece of our life, but to give Him the whole thing"... Often, the satisfaction or fulfillment of our Christianity is lacking because we aren't giving Him our whole self and playing by the key principles He's laid out. 
I've said for many years, "You will never really understand today's young adult and youth culture...until you see them through the lens of someone looking for a father." If I had to point at one of the top five things I wold want to communicate to all of us as leaders, whether your leading young adults, youth, children, doesn't matter, I would say to you, "communicating the Father heart of God is the biggest need in our world today."
I've said for many years, "You will never really understand today's young adult and youth culture...until you see them through the lens of someone looking for a father." If I had to point at one of the top five things I wold want to communicate to all of us as leaders, whether your leading young adults, youth, children, doesn't matter, I would say to you, "communicating the Father heart of God is the biggest need in our world today."
"What Porn and Playboy Can Never Give," wow! What a hot topic, but what a relevant one. In this Legacy, I'm leaning in to help all of us look into the upcoming month of love…but even if you're seeing this at Christmas time, it really doesn't matter, because the topics we're talking about are relevant 365 days, 12 months a year and I'm going to say that in honesty they are big topics.
Have you ever asked yourself, "What if I made even small changes significantly and a person, one year from now, who could I be? What changes could I make to improve our family, marriage, friendships, my walk with Jesus Christ, my would my life be different?" 
If you have never dealt with the blues...or that cloud hanging over your head...statistics tell me that you're exceptional from most folks in our present days. With the extraordinary challenges of the last few years, many especially in this generation struggle...
There are a lot of great starters in the Kingdom, but not a lot of great finishers. I have just quietly found ways to reach into my own heart 52 years into full-time ministry to say, “OK, I'm going to fan the “How Bad Do You Want It” inside of myself and try to fan it into others. 
One of the biggest challenges if you're going to be good at something is being able to successfully navigate the boring times. Part of the journey for me in these wonderful, wonderful decades of fulfilling full-time ministry has been teaching myself how to handle the boring times in my own life.   
Whether you're listening to these resources right after the Olympics or a long time after, we all love the sense of winning! But unfortunately, we in America, even as leaders, are competing in a sports category that seems to be a big deal in our culture these days...  
This month's Legacy is one that we can all relate to.  I call it, "WHEN LIFE STINKS!"  Don't you wish that if you were a genuine Christian, all of life would be positive, rosy and beautiful?  Unfortunately, that's not the way it usually goes... and that's especially true for leaders. 
This month's Legacy is one that we can all relate to.  I call it, "WHEN LIFE STINKS!"  Don't you wish that if you were a genuine Christian, all of life would be positive, rosy and beautiful?  Unfortunately, that's not the way it usually goes... and that's especially true for leaders. 
We all have heard about "BLACK HOLES."  You know, that scary place in outer space where you can get "sucked in" and never heard from again.  I think the BLACK HOLE for most of us however, is "TEMPTATION," and that's what this month's Legacy is all about. 
This month's resources, take what can be a very complicated subject, "finding God's will for your life," and simplifies it.  In my years with walking with the Lord, I've learned that when you really want to be in the Lord's will, it will always be more difficult to be OUT of it than IN it.  The "supernatural" when it comes to the will of God will always be more "SUPER" natural, (very natural).  So, listen in to this fun topic. 
 For all of us to be able to exemplify a tiny reflection of the tenacity of Jesus' love for people, is easily talked about, but not easily lived.  I've learned in my years of ministry, this authentic love is truly the bottom line for everything we do in ministry. 
This month's Legacy brings you STRAIGHT TALK from leadership legends, Craig Groeschel, Mark Batterson, Reggie Dabbs, and Choco DeJesus.  Their wisdom from years in the ministry trenches will both challenge and inspire you to be better leaders yourself.  
This month's Legacy brings you STRAIGHT TALK from leadership legends, Craig Groeschel, Mark Batterson, Reggie Dabbs, and Choco DeJesus.  Their wisdom from years in the ministry trenches will both challenge and inspire you to be better leaders yourself.  
What is holding you back from living out the life that God has for you?  This month's Legacy brings wisdom from Christine Caine, Robert Madu, Heath Adamson, and Jon Catron...
If you are in ministry, there's not a topic that's more of a "hot button" than ROMANCE.  That's why this month's Legacy theme is so important. 
I'm often guilty of going too hard on myself…and if you've been in leadership of any form, I'm sure you can relate to that. 
The theme for this month’s LEGACY resources is “Are You A Jesus-AND-Person?”  Sounds a little strange, doesn’t it?  But as Christian leaders, most of us embrace this belief system almost subconsciously...
A bunch of us have been watching recently the riveting ESPN documentary about Michael Jordan, “The Last Dance.” It’s insightful from not only a sports perspective but a leadership one...
The fact that people may choose to FOLLOW YOU in life…is not necessarily an indicator that you DESERVE to be followed...

It’s both ironic and providential that this would be our theme in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re talking about the painful emotions that are often met with TRT (“typical religious talk”) in Christian circles…
In March, we are placing our focus on a game-changing leadership attribute: GRIT. That’s code language for RELENTLESS...NON-STOP...ENDURANCE.

It’s February, and this month we are putting our focus on healthy relationships. With dating and intimacy being such an important topic in the lives...