If you are in ministry, there's not a topic that's more of a "hot button" than ROMANCE. That's why this month's Legacy theme is so important. I call it "CHEW AND SPIT ROMANCE." Isn't that what this culture does in the name of love? But that's not at all what the Word of God says. Proverbs say, "Guard your affections, for out of your them flow all the issues of life."
Join us and just know that it's true… "Puppy Love often leads to a dog's life."
Join us and just know that it's true… "Puppy Love often leads to a dog's life."

"A SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE is only the product of two people who were first SUCCESSFULLY SINGLE." The truth is, you can only bring into marriage who and what you are first as a single person. You may be happily married and think this doesn't apply to you...but I promise you, the youth culture you're discipling needs to hear it.
Ten simple questions that you can ask your seriously dating single adults before they "pop the big question." These simple ten questions will give invaluable specifics to help cut through the fantasy world of a "Cinderella romance."
We live in a pretty non-committal society. Over and over again I hear staggering statistics that remind me that human nature is often not in the commitment business. In this leadership coaching, I share some of the reasons why people quit so easily and 9 ways that we can all become better people of commitment and follow-through.

Many of us would consider people who just chew their food to get the PLEASURES OF TASTE, without swallowing or digesting the food to be crazy, right? However, this is the approach many people take when it comes to sex. They say, "I want to pursue this relationship sexually, but I'm not interested in doing it within the context of marriage. Like a person that chews food for the taste and spits it out, with premarital sex, we just want a "taste"...and then throw the person to the floor.
In a world of half-heartedness...dare to have some absolutes. How do you cultivate absolutes? Go find some causes within your Christianity that are worth dying for and go live for them. What do you believe in deeply enough that you are letting it cost you? Because it's true that the man who stands for NOTHING will fall for ANYTHING!
Do a youth service on anything connected to romance or love, and suddenly you have the whole room captive to your words! Maybe it's because romance and love are presented to this culture in such ethereal and unrealistic ways. After all, the movies and music of today's youth culture rarely focus on "The Unlovely Side Of Love."
"Dating is just dress rehearsal for marriage"...and, if we step into infidelity traps while dating, there is a high probability we will in marriage as well. Equipping our kids now has the potential to save a whole lot of dating and marriage heartache later.

The Christmas decorations are already up at the Mayo Home! I love Christmas!