The Cadre is a 12-month personal mentoring journey with Jeanne that includes the following:
• Two Unforgettable Advances hosted by Jeanne in Atlanta
• Monthly Interactive Zoom Coaching Calls
• Personal “Iron Groups” With Friends Who Will Last A Lifetime
• A Third “Ladies-Only” Breakaway
• Email Mentoring And Coaching By Jeanne Herself
• Meaningful Fieldtrips and Fun “Extra’s”
Who can be a part of the Cadre?
Any ministry leader is invited to apply to be a part of the Cadre - regardless of the size of his/her ministry or the years of experience. From these applications approximately 40 people are chosen for a one-year period to be a part of this group.
It is Jeanne’s heart to pour into a handful of people who are very serious about impacting today’s pivotal 21st Century culture. Thus, she wisely knows that an application process like this is most essential. Some of the leaders who will be chosen will be from smaller churches. Others will be from among our nation’s largest ministries. The size of the ministry is not the main consideration. The size of the HEART and the desire to grow are what is looked for during the application process.
Though Jeanne will receive absolutely nothing personally for her leadership involvement in the Cadre, all participants will agree to contribute $150 a month (for the 12 months of the CADRE) to Jeanne Mayo Ministries. This will allow the ministry, which impacts thousands of Christian leaders, to continue. Here are a few ideas on where this money may come from:
Any ministry leader is invited to apply to be a part of the Cadre - regardless of the size of his/her ministry or the years of experience. From these applications approximately 40 people are chosen for a one-year period to be a part of this group.
It is Jeanne’s heart to pour into a handful of people who are very serious about impacting today’s pivotal 21st Century culture. Thus, she wisely knows that an application process like this is most essential. Some of the leaders who will be chosen will be from smaller churches. Others will be from among our nation’s largest ministries. The size of the ministry is not the main consideration. The size of the HEART and the desire to grow are what is looked for during the application process.
Though Jeanne will receive absolutely nothing personally for her leadership involvement in the Cadre, all participants will agree to contribute $150 a month (for the 12 months of the CADRE) to Jeanne Mayo Ministries. This will allow the ministry, which impacts thousands of Christian leaders, to continue. Here are a few ideas on where this money may come from:
• Contributions from the church as a “Leadership Coaching/Conference Allowance”
• Personal donations
• As part of the ministry budget
• $50 per month partnership contributions from 3 families in your church/non-profit who want to help you GROW in your leadership training and skill (Suggested sponsorship letter template attached)
• Your own personal underwriting to help yourself grow
• Or partial contributions from several of the above