In March, we are placing our focus on a game-changing leadership attribute: GRIT. That’s code language for RELENTLESS…NON-STOP…ENDURANCE.
All the secular leadership research reinforces the super importance of not quitting…in our ministries, in our relationships, and in our heart-felt goals. Research affirms that GRIT can be grown. I’m really sure that a big reason behind some of my spiritual fruit through the years has in part pointed back to my refusal to quit.
Have I ever WANTED to quit? YES…countless times. But by God’s grace, I am determined to “finish the race with the wind in my face.” Won’t you join me in that pretty non-sexy but Christ-honoring goal?
All the secular leadership research reinforces the super importance of not quitting…in our ministries, in our relationships, and in our heart-felt goals. Research affirms that GRIT can be grown. I’m really sure that a big reason behind some of my spiritual fruit through the years has in part pointed back to my refusal to quit.
Have I ever WANTED to quit? YES…countless times. But by God’s grace, I am determined to “finish the race with the wind in my face.” Won’t you join me in that pretty non-sexy but Christ-honoring goal?

video resource
"Burnout" is described as a state of chronic, long-term stress that usually leads to physical and emotional exhaustion…detachment and cynicism…lack of motivation or feelings of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment. If you've done life for awhile, you relate to the topic of this mentoring resource. But take heart, as Jeanne takes a look at some of the great Bible heroes who struggled with burnout and provides hope for successfully walking through these challenging times of life.
Daniel 7:25 says, “The Enemy shall wear out the saints of the Most High God.” Wow, given the chance, isn’t that the truth! The pounding from ministry distractions, loneliness, and fatigue have probably taken far more out of the race than we even realize. In this mentoring resource, Jeanne looks at Nehemiah as he demonstrated strength not only to start well, but more importantly, “stay on the wall” and finish well.
Contrary to what many people think, it is not your talent or your intelligence that is really the major predictor of how much happiness or success you’re going to have in your life, your family, your vocation, or your ministry. A far more accurate predictor of those factors is your GRIT. And the best news is that GRIT isn’t something you are just “born with”…but it is something you can cultivate! In this mentoring resource, Jeanne shares what GRIT is and how you can grow it in your life!

Every leader feels that sense of moments when they need to do something motivational to stir the hearts of those they are leading… and that's what this message is about. By looking at the life of Joshua, a biblical example of a NONSTOP person with GRIT, Jeanne reveals four characteristics of NONSTOP Christians who want the word, "LEGACY," to be one that describes their life.
How will you answer the unspoken question that everybody will be trying to casually ask in the “reunion” celebrations of your life, “WHAT DID YOU DO WITH YOUR LIFE?” We all want to do something AMAZING and WORLD-CHANGING with our lives, but really, what does that even look like today? In this message, Jeanne asks her students to answer the life-altering question, “What’s going to be the SIGNATURE OF YOUR LIFE?”
Life isn’t always a party! During the rough times, people give cheap answers. But HOW do you live victoriously when the “tough times” come into your life? That’s the question Jeanne considers in this message as she examines Luke 29, when Jesus made it through the toughest challenge anyone has ever experienced.
Jeanne’s favorite TV show is Madam President! (Used to be called Madam Secretary). Her sons recommended it because they said there were fun personality parallels between her and the main character.