What's the significance of the title of this month's Legacy, "8,760 HOURS FROM NOW"? 8,760 hours make up 1 year's time (12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 525,600 minutes).
Have you ever asked yourself, "What if I made even small changes significantly and consistently...as a person, one year from now, who could I be? What changes could I make to improve our family, marriage, friendships, my walk with Jesus Christ, my ministry...how would my life be different?" Even tiny changes will create some pretty fantastic and remarkable results. So, listen to this month's resources and set some doable goals to make some significant changes in your life...one hour at a time,
Have you ever asked yourself, "What if I made even small changes significantly and consistently...as a person, one year from now, who could I be? What changes could I make to improve our family, marriage, friendships, my walk with Jesus Christ, my ministry...how would my life be different?" Even tiny changes will create some pretty fantastic and remarkable results. So, listen to this month's resources and set some doable goals to make some significant changes in your life...one hour at a time,

We all want to be successful. That's why in this month's mentoring time, "Surprising Lies Separating You From Success," I'm sharing with you five common myths that we all hear, believe and try to achieve. Things such as multitasking, self-discipline, and willpower are just a few of the things that I'll address, and some of my thoughts might surprise you!
In this mentoring time, I share the 5 things that my students tell me over and over again were defining memories in their life. Interestingly, some of the things that I thought they would remember most, seemed to fade into the background. The things they remember weren't my "amazing messages" or "great events." But what they remember most was how Christ's life flowed out of me in the tiny ways to let them know that the love of Jesus Christ is more than a nice platitude, but a living, breathing reality.

This Message was the first night with my new youth group and my strategic announcement of launching small groups. You'll hear me take a run at what our youth ministry can look like over the next year and how the students can be involved in creating the next 8,760 hours together.
In a study, researchers offerd samples of 6 different types of jams on one day and on an alternate day 24 different types. They discovered with 24 different types of jams, that people became overwhelmed and it was much more difficult to pick just one! In a similar way, with so many choices of what to do next, we struggle with the overwhelming question, "What in the world am I supposed to do for the rest of my life?!"

Of all the things I've learned in ministry, this one is near the top. "You don't want to be a ministry WITH small groups. You want to be a ministry OF small groups." If you are thinking of starting, or restructuring your small groups, you'll want to watch the complete Alliance video resource, "Effective Small Groups Made Easy." It's one of our CLASSIC Resources this month.

You will find more than 600 LEADERSHIP and MESSAGE resources available to you in our digital resource store. You'll find both our new LEGACY resources, along with hundereds of our CLASSIC coaching and mentoring resources! ALL of these are included when you have a subscription to our digital resources... with UNLIMITED downloads!
Below are some of our CLASSIC RESOURCES that go with this month's LEGACY topic.
Below are some of our CLASSIC RESOURCES that go with this month's LEGACY topic.