You know you're a success when you've been in one place long enough to have "remember when" stories.

Persistence is the greatest revenge on hell. In our dysfunctional society, where complete family units are an endangered species, we can define successful youth ministry with three words: "Just be there." Sounds simple, but in a world of "rotating relationships" a long-haul ministry can't be overrated.

Conversations about the "night the bus engine caught on fire coming home from our fall retreat" are key markers of success, as long as you're consciously creating new memories today. It's dangerous to recycle the same stories over and over in your mind. I've been in full-time ministry for more than five decades, and I still push myself to generate fresh stories. Without fresh stories, I wouldn't have a fresh heart. I fear that I might stand before Christ one day with an enlarged ministry, but a shrunken heart.

Over time, youth ministry can degenerate into a boring, unfulfilling task even to the best of us. It takes sheer determination to create new stories with new kids. I recently led a student named CJ to the Lord...he's my fresh story in the making. With God's help, I'm determined to authentically befriend CJ so one day he can write his own stories in the lives of students.

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