We are trying to reach a generation that has seen very little commitment to standards and morals from their parents. So we should not be surprised that the word "commitment" is a nice word on a spelling list, but rarely seen. Our kids so want to be committed and here are a few ways that we can help them live that out.
- Always remember that vision is the greatest deterrent to sin and often times one of the things that makes kids much more eager to hold onto a set of values is having a mission. Part of the reason why a lot of youth ministries don't have more moral standing is because all we're doing is preaching the morals but there's no point at which they get in the game themselves. Give them opportunities to help run small groups or outreaches or even giving out tickets to an outreach event and invite their friends.
- You make a mistake when you just preach morals unless you create some services or retreats. They have to have some experiences where Jesus is big because sometimes we woo them to standards before we woo them to Jesus. If I make Jesus big in their life and if I give them some mission and purpose then I've already made the standards a whole lot easier.
- Then teach from a standpoint of principles and relevance. Teach them that it's the job of a Christian to be exemplifying and showing people what Jesus looks like. Have them ask themselves as they reach for the next beer or something else if they are exemplifying Jesus to their unsaved friends.