What’s the gap between where YOU ARE and where you WANT TO BE?

Where else could you spend 48 hours strengthening the SPECIFIC ARENA(S) you want to grow in… with the SPECIFIC PEOPLE you want to experience it with… and with the SPECIFIC COACHING and MENTORING that has characterized Jeanne Mayo’s successful 5 decades in leadership?

Tell me more about this 2-day leadership cohort intensive

You choose the WHO, the WHERE, the WHAT,
and the WHAT NOW?

the WHO?

You determine who is involved and the number of individuals participating in these 48 hours of coaching—ranging from one person to no more than 12.

the WHERE?

You can determine if the coaching time is held in Jeanne’s own home (Atlanta, GA) or in the location of his / her choice.

the WHAT?

You choose the specific leadership focuses you want Jeanne’s coaching targets to be built around.

See the listing of 20 specific arenas that you may choose from in Jeanne’s coaching of you and your team.  We suggest you choose 2 areas you would like Jeanne to specifically focus on during her time with you.  She has had extensive and successful experience in all of these arenas during her exciting 5 decades in leadership roles.  

i.e. Taking Your Team’s Leadership to the Next Level… Personal Self-Care as a Leader…Or 18 other specific arenas.


Without additional charge, you receive 3 ADDITIONAL MONTHS of POST-COACHING FOLLOW-UP and ACCOUNTABILITY personally with Jeanne to ensure that your 48 hours of coaching translate into game-changing, long-term RESULTS.

Aren’t you sick of being CHALLENGED?  Want to be CHANGED?  This might well be your ANSWER.

What are other leaders saying about Jeanne's coaching impact?

“…Jeanne has unique leadership giftings that are unparalleled in many ways.”

“Through her, you have 5 decades of leadership at your fingertips!”

“…one of the best teachers of culture creation…Principles I’ve learned from her to effectively run an $8.5 million business.”

"Jeanne has vast experience with so many leaders, so many experiences, and so many situations...It's almost unthinkable to consider the amount of wealth she brings to the relationship..."

“…If you want the best, that’s Jeanne Mayo.”

Commitment from Jeanne

During your 48 hours together, you will create a tangible list of 1 – 5 W.I.N. goals that can be accomplished within the next 6-12 months (“W.I.N.” = “What’s Important Now”).

For the following 3 months, Jeanne will host a Zoom meeting (each up to one hour in length) with either the primary team leader, a project core-team, or the entire team… for the purpose of follow-through on “W.I.N.” goals.

The sponsoring leader / group chooses who participates in these monthly Zoom times.  (This follow-up-group remains largely constant, not rotational.)

Still not convinced...