The Mantle Of Love
When Elijah was carried into heaven in a chariot, Elisha put on Elijah's Mantle and continued his work on earth. In the Old Testament, a person's MANTLE, or robe, was woven to symbolize their family DNA and heritage. Ask yourself, what is the core value you want your life to be most "branded" by?
In this Message, "The Mantle of Love," I challenge my group to put on a Mantle of unselfish, authentic, consistent, Christ-Centered LOVE. For as I wrote in my journal many years ago, "No 'life-mission' could be much more honorable or worthy than the quest to be an individual who walks in consistent, authentic love. Who knows… perhaps one day we may 'LOVE more people into Christ's Kingdom' that most pastors will ever PREACH into it."
This is one of the resources in the LEGACY called, "The Mantle of Love."