Knowing How And When To Move On

Our society many times makes us restless, thinking we need to move on from our present circumstances simply because we've become bored or unsatisfied. If we're not careful, we'll never stay one place long enough to make hell nervous. However, there are times, when the Lord is calling us to move on. In this season of my life, I have had the honor to help walk some fine folks through times of transition. Sometimes the transitions were due to a new opportunity arising, being released, or truly a feeling moved on by the Holy Spirit. So along the way, there are a few different things I've learned that I want to share with you in this invaluable resource.

In this Leadership Resource, "Knowing How and When To Move On," let me challenge some of your thoughts when it comes to how to walk through transition effectively. If there's one thing I've learned in my 50+ years in ministry, it's that if you are faithful to do the KNOWN will of God today, God will be faithful to reveal his UNKNOWN will tomorrow.

This is just one of the resources from our LEGACY called, "De-Mystifying God's Will For Your Life."