Have you ever noticed that God didn't say in His Word, "It is not good for man to be single"? God says in Genesis that, "It is not good for man to be alone," and there's a world of difference between the two. Scripture says to be "single" means "to be apart, to be separate, to be an individual, to be unique." These are amazing qualities that we all want.
Be sure to listen carefully to these resources, because our Society talks about singleness in a way that makes it unwanted and will make you miserable. God teaches us how to have wholeness in the midst of singleness.
Be sure to listen carefully to these resources, because our Society talks about singleness in a way that makes it unwanted and will make you miserable. God teaches us how to have wholeness in the midst of singleness.

All the statistics affirm that the majority of leaders say they do not even have ONE significant friendship.
How easy is it for you to serve other people...to work really hard to make their dreams come true?

It all started in the Garden of Eden...God, the Father, looked at Adam and said, "It is not good for man to be ALONE." But somehow through the centuries, our society now assumes that Jehovah really said, "It is not good for man to be SINGLE."
Many youth and youth adults may think that there is something wrong with them if they aren't dating someone and they are obligated to give away something that the Lord holds so pure and close to His heart!

Romance can make fools of all of us, isn't that true? And the "Romance" life lesson I've learned through the years..."Puppy Love often leads to a dog's life."

You will find more than 600 LEADERSHIP and MESSAGE resources available to you in our digital resource store. You'll find both our new LEGACY resources, along with hundereds of our CLASSIC coaching and mentoring resources! ALL of these are included when you have a subscription to our digital resources... with UNLIMITED downloads!
Below are some of our CLASSIC RESOURCES that go with this month's LEGACY topic.
Below are some of our CLASSIC RESOURCES that go with this month's LEGACY topic.