1 Corinthians 13 makes it clear to us that without love we're like sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal...just noise.
A mantle is kind of foreign term to us today. I mean, what's your DNA...your signature...how loving are you when you're under pressure or when you haven't had enough sleep? How are you doing with that mantle? Nobody's perfect, but may part of your mantle, as a leader, be very intentional love.
A mantle is kind of foreign term to us today. I mean, what's your DNA...your signature...how loving are you when you're under pressure or when you haven't had enough sleep? How are you doing with that mantle? Nobody's perfect, but may part of your mantle, as a leader, be very intentional love.

While navigating those relational waters with the leaders above us can get tricky, it's possible to lead well and influence countless people from our #2 positions.
Mother Teresa was once quoted to have said, "For love to be real, it must cost, it must hurt, and it must empty us of self."

No 'life-mission' could be much more honorable or worthy than the quest to be an individual who walks in consistent, authentic love.
It's especially easy for Christians to KEEP CHANGING FACES on who they are in their everyday life. They just slowly give themselves permission to be one person in front of some people and another person in front of others.

Remember, love is one of the Fruits of the Spirit. Love isn't a gift, but a fruit and it must be grown. How many times have you prayed that you would be a person of love and that the Lord's love would flow through you?

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Below are EVEN RESOURCES that go with this month's LEGACY topic.