If there's any one thing I would strongly encourage you to do, it's to fight for your own spiritual "cutting edge." Your cutting edge has zero to do with your emotions and everything to do with your choices. As you listen to these resources, I share the things that have made me lose my spiritual cutting edge and what I've done to get it back. It's easy to focus on God's acts ... He saves, heals, answers prayers ... and lose sight of why we fell in love with Him in the first place.
I hope you enjoy listening to these messages on this super-important topic. I'm so honored you're letting me make the journey with you.
I hope you enjoy listening to these messages on this super-important topic. I'm so honored you're letting me make the journey with you.

The truth of the matter is that ministry will always demand our energy, but it is our responsibility to fight to keep ourselves refreshed. That's much easier said than done.
Join Jeanne as she walks through five pragmatic, strategic steps to creating spiritual tipping points in the lives of those you are ministering to.

How sharp do you feel spiritually right now? Have your edges become a little dull? Great questions aren't they? They're ones we need to continually ask ourselves whether we're 14 or 40, or any age for that matter.
All of us who are trying to do this "Christian thing" right are going to encounter points in our walks where we need a simple jump-start. In this message Jeanne shares six points to help you jump-start your relationship with Christ.

One day we will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and be tried by our works. Though you may make it to Heaven, when you are face to face with the Lord will He say, "Well Done..." or the haunting words, "It could have been so much more..."?

You will find more than 600 LEADERSHIP and MESSAGE resources available to you in our digital resource store. You'll find both our new LEGACY resources, along with hundereds of our CLASSIC coaching and mentoring resources! ALL of these are included when you have a subscription to our digital resources... with UNLIMITED downloads!
Below are EVEN RESOURCES that go with this month's LEGACY topic.
Below are EVEN RESOURCES that go with this month's LEGACY topic.