I have to admit that sometimes when people talk about dreams, it's way too ethereal for me. But I think the secret of your future is always hidden in your daily routines, so be sure to watch or listen to the Leadership Coaching Resource I call, "7 Daily Success Rituals." In this coaching, I share 7 success rituals that have really anchored my life.
Having significance in your life isn't about a matter of being in full-time ministry. It's about having some small meaningful specific dreams that are going to anchor who you are.
Enjoy the resources and thank you for letting me be a part of your life.
Still daring to dream,
Having significance in your life isn't about a matter of being in full-time ministry. It's about having some small meaningful specific dreams that are going to anchor who you are.
Enjoy the resources and thank you for letting me be a part of your life.
Still daring to dream,

We really don't decide our future, but decide our habits. Our habits, in turn, are what determine our future. The statement is so true, "The secret of our future can be found in our daily routines."
In truth, there are times my "inward fire" doesn't feel so steady and I become susceptible to falling into the abyss of "mediocrity."

We never stop dreaming. The challenge we begin to face is refusing to simply daydream, but choosing to daily invent our futures.
What does it take to find our ONE THING that we fight for as we reach down to the core of our ultimate calling...the purpose that keeps us going?

When you're choosing the 500-pound lion, you want to chase with your life, make sure it's based on values that will last for eternity.

You will find more than 600 LEADERSHIP and MESSAGE resources available to you in our digital resource store. You'll find both our new LEGACY resources, along with hundereds of our CLASSIC coaching and mentoring resources! ALL of these are included when you have a subscription to our digital resources... with UNLIMITED downloads!
Below are EVEN RESOURCES that go with this month's LEGACY topic.
Below are EVEN RESOURCES that go with this month's LEGACY topic.