I can really relate to this topic, Doubter's Welcome. Probably because I've had my own share intellectual doubt, long before all the amazing apologetics resources we have today. You won't want to miss the Leadership Coaching resources as well, especially the one entitled, "How Do You Kill 11 Million People?"
What am I trying to say with these resources? Deal with spiritual doubt in a Christ honoring way. Know that there is a healthy kind of skepticism that again, the Kingdom of God does not shun from. Balance them both out.
Thanks once again for letting me be a part of your life,
What am I trying to say with these resources? Deal with spiritual doubt in a Christ honoring way. Know that there is a healthy kind of skepticism that again, the Kingdom of God does not shun from. Balance them both out.
Thanks once again for letting me be a part of your life,

We look back into history not for the sake of "knowing" history, but more so for the sake of not "repeating" it, which we are dangerously close to doing. For it is our responsibility as Christ-followers to set a course of freedom for future generations by teaching and telling the truth.
Join Jeanne as she walks through five pragmatic, strategic steps to creating spiritual tipping points in the lives of those you are ministering to.

It is EASY to question what is real and what may not be. This is especially true when it comes to the topic of our faith. There are a MULTITUDE of ideologies and beliefs out there, and many times it is difficult to navigate between what is TRUE and what isn't.
Even though the messages and events can be incredible, often when people show up at a service, they can feel like no one's talking about the stuff that's going on "inside their head."

When Jesus was on the Cross, He didn't just take away our sins, though that is a big deal. He was innocently suffering, innocently taking a rap for something He didn't bring on Himself.

You will find more than 600 LEADERSHIP and MESSAGE resources available to you in our digital resource store. You'll find both our new LEGACY resources, along with hundereds of our CLASSIC coaching and mentoring resources! ALL of these are included when you have a subscription to our digital resources... with UNLIMITED downloads!
Below are EVEN RESOURCES that go with this month's LEGACY topic.
Below are EVEN RESOURCES that go with this month's LEGACY topic.